You’re doing it wrong…

So I already get it that a lot of you would already read the title and say why would I want to read that it just sounds so negative. Stop, take a deep breath and relax. Now, keep reading. Growing up in church I kinda of hated it. I hated what it did to my family, I hated the people in it and I hated what it became. As I matured God broke my heart for His bride and replaced my hate with longing to see it take the place of splendor reserved for the Bride of the King of Kings. I look back a lot to my family and a lot of the things that my family experienced in the church and how they let it affect them, myself included. I learned through a lot of mistakes and am still learning about the Bride. But, I can’t help at some point having developed a righteous anger, an anger I equate to when Jesus got upset at the money changers and flipped tables. We had turned the house of God into a den of thieves. In some aspects I agree that we have returned to that. We have a church culture of people who want to steal a bit of peace for their lives full of unrest. But, not do what it takes to truly trust God and experience a full peace that passes all understanding. We have people that want to go to church to fulfill a social obligation for their social standing but not make it a priority. Im tired of the whole mentality that says I have a relationship with God I don’t need to go to church every week. Im sorry I disagree, your doing it wrong. Now this is opinion but I believe there is some true revelation and truth in this. If we were living a Christian life right, then we would be spending 6 days pouring out in all situations we find ourselves and need, want and desire to be at church to get filled back up to continue to pour in. You don’t fill your car up and drive until empty and then keep trying to drive, it doesn’t work. But yet we go to church once a month and wonder why our lives are so tough and full of unrest and yet we don’t go to the gas station to get filled back up. Now, I know with the internet and podcasts and books and blogs, there are a ton of places for us to go get fed. But honestly there is a difference between fast-food and home cooked. And theres something about a family dinner that is so much more refreshing than a meal at a restaurant. When I have to set the table or fill the glasses or help cook. I take part in something and become apart of something not just a spectator. Part of getting filled up is getting used in the process. Allowing God to use you and the gifts He has given you is far greater than just sitting and listening. The church was designed to be a place for us to use our gifts and get poured into while we are being used and for most of us getting fed. Being apart of a family dinner as opposed to being at a restaurant and just being served is a huge difference and a whole new perspective. Its refreshing, full of life and so fulfilling. I say we are doing it wrong because of a couple things. One we think church is optional. If we are living out our salvation and daily looking for and being used by God in all sorts of way, we need church to get refilled. Others of us don’t do anything of value for the Kingdom and don’t engage the life God has called us to, we like the idea of life and life more abundantly but we don’t like what it takes to get that life or the abundant part, true submission surrender and allowing God to be the Lord, Master, Head etc.. of our life. When we don’t engage our true lifestyle as believers then we only need church once a month or every other month. And don’t get me wrong everyone needs a vacation and to go out and enjoy life and that’s when fast-food will provide sustenance enough for us to make it till the next home cooked meal. But, honestly we have so many people that will miss or skip church at the drop of a hat, sports event, activity etc.. that could be done on a Saturday or other day of the week. We basically make life the priority over Christian living not recognizing that our life is not our own and that we are to minister everywhere we go and every chance we get. And when we do that we need a constant flow in so we can have a constant flow out. We don’t see people in our lives or that cross our paths change because we don’t change. We are just trying to keep our heads above water rather than minister out of the overflow of our lives. Thats why I say we are doing it wrong. We were meant for so much more than treading water, we were meant to win the race, touch people’s lives, change the World. And Im sorry that is not a youth pastor thing or just for students. Last time I checked the Word of God was not broken up in age segments. When your 2-10 you believe these verses, 10-20 another and 20-40 another and 40-60 you know it all and its for everyone else. I have to be honest its alive and well and at work today. And if we were to engage the Word our calls, purpose and why we were created we would then find ourselves living a life more abundantly and on a grand adventure putting us in a place that we are desperate to be poured into because we are constantly pouring out. Lets do this right and change the World!!