Why the Hell did I compromise!!!

If your reading this you need to read “WHAT THE FUNK” first.

So to give everyone a better idea of what compromise is I went on-line to find synonyms:

cop out, discredit, dishonor, embarrass, endanger, expose, give in, hazard, imperil, implicate, mar, menace, peril, prejudice, risk, ruin, sell out, spoil, weaken, whore

ps- the definition listed was: JEOPARDIZE

So reading that list I have to laugh because everything listed is direct fall out of compromise. It makes me sick that I would do such a thing. I’m an idiot, and I say that because I’m not the only Idiot that has.

Why do we do it? Because we think its OK, because other people do it, because society says you don’t have to stick to anything, just do what you want, how bout fear, acceptance, fear of rejection… So if those are some of the reasons why we do it, lets look at it.

It’s not O FRIKEN K! Compromise is a lethal poison that in one moment of weakness, let down guard or not caring can spread through out your entire life. And if other people are doing it, WHY THE HELL ARE YOU! You’re not everyone else. Live like your called to live, live to GREATNESS. So society says its ok, well that’s time I checked all society is dictated by people who live crappy lives, feel crappy and try and get everyone else to live like them so they feel like crap too. So by all means if you want to buy into the lie that compromising with society is fun, feel free but all your doing is being poisoned. And fear, yah its real! What are you and I going to do let it rule our lives. Life’s to short and my callings to great to give a rats ass about what scares me, or if people are going to like me or reject me or not. Those are fears I have, but bigger than those fears is my fear of mediocrity. I once had someone who told me that what you fear will happen to you. Well I haven’t been thrown in a pit full of snakes or eaten by a shark. But I have fallen into mediocrity. And let me tell you that pit is a deep pit. And looking at how your going to get out is even scarier than trying not to fall in with everyone else. I almost envision it as a hole in the ground everyone is standing around and looking into. And one person looses their step and grabs another and the whole chain re-action happens. To me that’s society, that is why I want to set my self apart. But I’m an idiot, the draw of the situation or the intrigue grabbed me and I went in head first. Once there, its nothing but compromised thinking and living that keep you stuck.

So I’m stuck in compromise, what do I do. Lets hopelessness, despair, fear and mediocrity rule my life. HELL NO! I’m clawin my way out just like that hole in Buffalo Bills basement from Silence of the Lambs, Ill claw till my finger nails rip off. But what is that, its taking action. To gain control over compromise you must take action, not only in your life physically, but mentally and spiritually. What you don’t do, is get embarrassed, ALL HAVE SINNED AND FALLEN SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD. You don’t get embarrassed and remove all the people from your life that love you, that in your twisted reality are disappointed and hate you. Cause that’s not the truth. But in reality there may be some people like that. Let them get over their stupid selves. When you get bitten by a snake what do you do? Lay down and die? Or go the hospital where the doctor can administer the anti-venom and heal you. We all know what that is a metaphor for. But, just in case. The DR. is Jesus. The venom is compromise. Christ’s blood is the anti-venom. It restores us to right thinking and living. But we must take control of our minds. Cause if we continue to take the anti-venom after a while our bodies become immune to it and it doesn’t work. Hence hypocritical Christians who are at the altar every Sunday cause they got the anti-venom and went right back into compromising positions.

What’s funny is even the smallest choices to compromise have devastating consequences. So if we can not settle for compromising, and the only way is the help of the Father and killing our flesh, then we just might have a chance. If you’ve been compromising like me, you don’t have to keep settling for compromise just because its what you’ve been doing.

If you shoot for perfection you’ll attain excellence

If you shoot for Excellence you’ll attain good

If you shoot for good you’ll attain mediocrity

If you shoot for mediocrity you’ll attain mediocrity


If you SAY it, you THINK it, If you THINK it, you BELIEVE it, if you BELIEVE it, YOU ACT IT!