What do you say?

What do you say to some one you love who you let down? What can make it right? Can it be right? Can it ever be the same, do you want it to be the same? Does love over come all? Does sorry cut it? NOTHING, NOTHING, NO, NO, NO, YES, NO. Brokenness brings questions and answers. Time will tell if the answers are correct or not. Does ideas without action accomplish anything? How can someone who cant see you tell that your not the same. Does faith in people still exist? What do you do when a platform in someone’s life is torn down by selfish actions? Do you quit or do whatever it takes to rebuild a stronger one? questions, questions, questions, QUESTIONS! How do you tell someone you love that you’ve let them down? Do you run and hide or run into the light and let them see every flaw, bad character trait, mistake and ugliness that resides in your life. The light is beautiful, even if we are not. Id rather be a troll in the light living free and real than a beautiful troll in the dark corner of life living in mediocrity and hopelessness. I HAVE HOPE IN THE LIGHT, I HAVE LOVE IN THE LIGHT, I HAVE STRENGTH IN THE LIGHT. But will they love you again for being in the light, will they not understand your joy in discomfort in the light. Will they not understand the hope that the light brings. Will they still see you as being called to greatness?