
PR 26:11 As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.

There is nothing sadder to me than when people flee one lifestyle just to be dragged right back into. I think this verse clearly depicts where some peoples hearts TRUly are. I see countless people at church and at work especially with the kids I work with. Talking one way and even changing for awhile but shortly after return to the source of their pain out of fear, compromise, selfishness and pride. IT’S EVEN SADDER WHEN IT’S PARENTS WHO ARE THE EXAMPLE OF THIS FOR THEIR KIDS TO SEE. and WHAT MAKES IT SADDER IS THE FACT THEY ACT LIKE THEY ARE BEING CONDEMEND WHEN IN REALITY THEY ARE JUST BEING HANDED WISDOM. but AGAIN OUT OF SELFISH PRIDE AND DESIRE THEY CHOOSE TO GO RIGHT BACK TO VOMIT. its SAD TO THINK THAT THERE IS MATURITY LACKING IN ADULTS TODAY THAT JUSTIFY GOING BACK TO VOMIT. if YOUR CHILD HAD JUST VOMITED AND STARTED TO GO BACK TO IT AND EAT IT, WOULDNT YOU TELL YOUR CHILD AND SLAP THEIR HAND IF NEED BE. see A CHILD DOESNT KNOW, THEY ARE NOT MATURE ENOUGH. but AS AN ADULT IT’S COMMON SENSE. and SOME WOULD SAY WELL WHERES MERCY AND GRACE, ITS RIGHT HERE. this IS NOT CONDEMNATION IS CALLED WISDOM. if YOU KNOW YOUR STRUGGALING WITH A DESIRE TO GO BACK TO YORU VOMIT YOU DONT FILL IT WITH DIFFERENT VOMIT. you BE real and true and honest and say hey I need help I’m tempted. That’s when the people God has placed in your life can help you clean it up and give you wisdom and tools so you don’t make the same choices. I know all of this cuz I’ve seen it firsthand and experienced it in college. Its funny how we can take the fact that God is walking with us through all of it stepping over our vomit and waiting for us to ask for help cleaning it up. Yet no one wants to be real about it and say that God is probably brokenhearted and shaking his head in disappointment because we are drawn more to that vomit than what He has for us. IF GOD CALLS YOU TO GIVE SOMETHING UP SO HE CAN BLESS YOU WITH SOMETHING BETTER, AND YOU DO, BUT THEN DECIDE TO WALK BACK TO YOUR VOMIT, WHAT IS A MATTER WITH YOU. Selfish pride comes to mind. I’m grateful I can learn these lessons now instead of dragging my kids through this process. But then again when you do have kids your mindset is supposed to change, I guess it shows your maturity if it doesn’t.

So for all those of us who have tried to go back or are back or turning back. DONT BE A DOG……