Valentines day thoughts of a wiser bachelor

I’m sorry but I’ve been sitting here in solitude on the Valentines Day night wondering what the deal is when the realization hits me that its just another day. So many of us from family and friends to co workers try and pump it up as some big deal when in reality to share any day with the person you love is a day for celebration. Especially if that person is worthy of your love. Now Imp not saying worthy of love Imp saying worthy of YOUR love. Everyone deserves to be loved. But even the transient loves the urine soaked blanket that provides warmth to him at night. I could sit here and tell you all of the biblical ideas of love but you probably have heard them. So it leads me to realize that our society as quickly become devoid of any true love. I sit and watch TV and see the reality shows depicting young people who love anything that moves, and this repetitious cycle of love creates a false identity to what love is. And in creating that false identity we create a false idea of how to act to represent that love. Love is not a light switch turned on only when cared for or needed for personal gain. Love is a lifestyle in which commitment and focus are needed to provide the tenacity to face the trials all relationships face. I see so many young woman who depict themselves in a manner they feel will bring them love when they are selling themselves short for the hollowed out physical shell of love. And as society develops ideas are evolving and intensifying and the cycle becomes more violent and cut throat. Pretty soon the whore on TV will be the mother to the daughter who is actually a prostitute. I not too long ago heard of a couple of pre teen girls passing flyers around advertising there physical services for money. Where are we when the representation of what is most intimate in a MARRIAGE can be bartered for mere financial gain. But let me continue with this ideology for a moment. Because as more and more woman seek to gain this false love there actions and expectations are formed younger and younger and become all the more predictable for young men. Who in turn begin to exhibit the false sense of security and hope for acceptance these girls desire and get trapped in the expanse of self-gratification and popularity. For you see in society He who has the most woman, doesn’t have aids, studs or children, but, has the most notoriety therefore making him a most upstanding guy if so many girls think that he has all this love to give. Now I started this by mentioning worth and I want to bring it to the forefront of this moment in time. Lets be real…some people are just not worth our love. Now take this in context, not Gods love or the caring of another human being. But the love that gives our heart and emotions to another. I know for myself half the woman I have dated have not been worth the love I gave to them. Now that may sound like the embittered soul of a lonely man on the national holiday of love, but trust me it is not. I recognize my ideology of romanticizing the hero role in a relationship. Thus allowing myself to get involved with woman who I know I shouldn’t have been involved with, all the while thinking Imp a hero to her and this makes me feel good to help her. And so many times God has so graciously pulled me from the inferno that was crashing into the core of my future, only for me to try and be that night in shinning armor once again. So here I sit alone, content, excited (about TEXAS) and pissed off at the depiction of love society has created and marketed. And how our youth have begun to depict it and engage in such a life transforming lifestyle. But where do we stand as men and woman of God. Do we invest emotions and hearts into those who are worthy of our life, or are we squandering our call and walk for someone who doesn’t know what true love is and will eventually become overwhelmed with the idea and standards that are involved in a Christ centered relationship. Yet so many of us fail to date to our potential out of so many varied reasons. So when is it time for us an older generation and those of you that are apart of the affected generation to stand and depict not only Gods love in daily life, but Gods standards of who we invest in and the investment of a Christ centered relationship of purity, protection, wisdom and focus on the Father. If not today then when. On the national day to celebrate love, why not make it the start of the day you began to set the bar in your actions and your personal life. Because sooner or later that person you are in the dark and the lifestyle they have chosen to live will meet the one in the light and on that day you will be shown for who you have carried yourself as, a queen or king in the kingdom or compromise followed by mediocrity. Make today the day you realize what agape is….the undying, all forgiving, never-ending, always constant love your Father who created you with great value gives you on a daily basis.


ps- For those of you who know what I’m talking about and have either gone through this, don’t be the one who MISSED THE BUS, cuz you stopped to talk to someone, be the one on the bus waving at all those who didn’t have the sense of worth to treat themselves and you the way you were created to be treated, and get on the bus. So to all those who know what Imp talking about