To Qualify…

I would like to take a moment to really reinforce something. I know some of my writings may seem condemning to some, if your honest more convicting then condemning. I think a lot of people would say its better to encourage than condemn. Listen if I can be honest, I’m going to, this mentality I whole heartedly believe has helped grow this thick cloud of confusion of identity in our culture today. The idea that encouraging people has become more of an act of our own cowardess than the real meaning to encourage someone with love and life to be who they were called to be. I find so many times that people long to be challenged rather than pacified but its easier to pacify than it is to push. My children may think Im a jerk when I say they can’t do something or I push them to do something they may not want to finish or to do something they don’t want to. Out of a knowledge of what they will get out of it I push them so they look back and recognize I can do this or I learned this lesson, becoming better for having done it. I know by now many of you are assuming this is a completely separate post but no its not. I bring this up because when we get past our pride and the fear of calling someone out so they can get better, we see people grow and walk into their true identity. Let me again say that when we call someone out its not according to our own opinions or pet peeves but according to Gods Word. We are looking for Authentic faith and relationships that open door for us as believers through our TRUE relationship with one another we are able to speak into each others lives in such a way as to bring correction according to Gods word and have it followed for the edification of that persona and the body of Christ as a whole. What we don’t need is people out their policing everyone but themselves. You have to earn the right or be allowed to speak into my life, you don’t just have that right. But, as believers we are all apart of the body and we must be teachable enough to learn and take correction in any situation as long as it lines up with Gods Word. This is my heart with any and of all these posts. Let me first say, this is as much a wake up call for me as it is for anyone who reads this. The idea is that we would create a church that is healthy, authentic and honest in where its at in its faith and journey of growth and not steeped in fear. Proverbs tells us how the wise love correction but the fool hates it. The reality is that our pride keeps us foolish in not wanting to recognize that we have done something wrong or need correction. If we would humble ourselves and be open to true biblical correction we would grow by leaps and bounds and the church could heal and become prepared for the return of the Bride Groom. The sad thing is a lot of us have been hurt by people who manipulate scripture and use it to manipulate us that we don’t want to become vulnerable. This is sad but true. But to be honest we need to know our Word so well that we can recognize deceit and manipulation of scripture and bring correction to those who would try and bring correction to us out of a place of abuse. Ultimately my heart is for the church and seeing it rise to its true splendor as the Bride of Christ and not just be a place labeled as hypocritical, condemning and judgmental. Ive said it a hundred times and will say it again, offense is the scapegoat of conviction. Before you pick up offense try asking the Lord to reveal if you should be looking at yourself and what you need to change rather than trying to tell someone else why they should change. I love and believe in the church and my heart is that people would read this and a friend of mine said it best recently, “Focus less on changing the world and more on changing yourself. Do this and you’ll change the world. -Jeff Rostocil”