What the Hell?

What the HELL is going on, in today’s society, day and age, why can’t the church grow up? Why is it that at every corner people are condemning and backstabbing each other? Why do our pastors and leaders preach mercy but when it comes to there own staff they cant show it or move in it? What the HELL! Imp sick of Christians who act better than everyone else and act like they don’t sin and then when they are faced with someone who has fallen condemn them in a single moment of, ” I cant believe they did that”. Heres an idea: Shut the HELL up, get of your ass and do the hardest thing God calls us to do, show mercy and grace to those who have wronged us. Imp not talking about letting people walk a way without even so much as a word being said. How bout a process and not a process like some religious groups use, 2 years of therapy and good luck after that. It just seems that the church today rather condemn than confront and forgive. We have steps to confront people, it’s outlined in the word. Face em, then bring a friend, then grab the OG’S (ELDERS), then take em in front of the church. But after that its excommunication, dunh dunh duuuuuh. Why hasn’t someone produced a process that restores people where there at instead of re-arranging there entire life because its just what’s been done. Here’s an Idea what’s been done doesn’t work any more. You see when Christians are faced with falling, they aren’t encouraged they aren’t helped they’re told what to do. Why? Caused it worked for someone else. But, what works for you doesn’t always work for me, and if I did what you did cause you told me to do it, then I’m not doing it for me which means I’m not doing it with my heart. It’s easier to condemn because when we confront we have to confront the issues in our own lives. And to do that would mean we would have to admit we failed. And I don’t fail I’m a perfect un-realistic Christian. I grew up as a pastors kid and was in ministry for 3 years. During that time I have seen nothing but fake people attend and run the church. When is the church going to be relevant. The Word of God is relevant, but the way we talk about it and share it is not. I want to see a church of broken, failures redeemed, united and committed to relevant ministry. Here’s an idea (have many) why not develop a process that is designed to restore people and not reject them. That way when someone fails they not only see the restoration process in work but Gods grace and mercy in affect as well. Seeing the process and the brokenness at the beginning and the end result is much more influential than hearing of a story from someone’s past. While were on it, who decides how long restoration should take, ME/ YOU? You can see it in someone’s actions, maybe in a day, maybe in a decade. The Bible talks of Saul/Paul who persecuted Christian’s cause he thought he was working for God. How messed up was he, he couldn’t hear the voice of God and acted on his own misinterpretation of what he though God wanted. And he killed a ton of Christians in the process. Then on the road to Damascus, he gets blinded and a week (give or take, short period of time) later he can see and becomes one of the greatest pillars of the early church. So what the hell is our problem. If Gods grace, mercy and restoration power can restore Saul and change him to Paul a huge 180, How much more can he do that for us. There was something I like to share with people that I think fits. When we were born we were like a mirror. As we made choices and life happened we became broken. In some cases that mirror was shattered. What then? Some of us chose to live in that brokenness and live life not knowing who we are. And some of us chose to give God those pieces. And when he does he takes those broken pieces and makes a masterpiece in His image, He doesn’t restore us to what we were, He restores us into what we are, BROKEN BEAUTIFUL VESSELS IN HIS IMAGE. When we understand who we are in Christ and give Him the brokenness then that allows us to minister out of our brokenness. When someone who is broken sees someone who went through the same thing but gave God the pieces, that brings hope. And without hope we are dead where we stand. So what am I saying, I HATE CHURCH!!!!! I don’t hate God, but I hate the process, the politics, the hypocrisies and the way we exemplify God. I’m not saying I’m perfect, I suck, I’m broken and sometimes I want to keep my brokenness cause I know that if I do, I live broken and cant be broken any more. That is what is called a defeated attitude or mindset. God gave us the victory not the defeat. Its time we stand as REAL people serving a REAL God and living with REAL hope that we will REALLY succeed in Gods will for our lives. I was once told that the denomination I was affiliated with was full of crap but the best thing afloat. To that I say, “Shame on us” for settling and compromising until the house of God got so steeped in tradition and politics that it God filled with BS and some of the best BS’ERS are the ones running our churches. What a way to describe the HOUSE OF GOD! AND HERES THE ALTAR CALL J/K I don’t know this is my first blog, maybe I was rambling maybe I wasn’t. All I know is I have been broken have given God the pieces and desire nothing more than all of Him, even in my daily struggles. One day I will start my own church, and I hope and pray everyday God will give me the guidance and direction to build a bridge between what I’ve seen in my experiences with the church and what I’ve seen in my dreams of what church should be. Maybe you the reader is pissed, good. Tell me, yell at me, just let me know how you feel. Good or bad respond to this, I’m looking for as much insight as possible. ps- this was heavy, but I’m really a funny guy who laughs allot, so hopeful my next one will be lighter cause I’m not consumed with thoughts like these.