
The other day I was thinking about being sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Not something I’m inclined to do because of these thoughts. When I was a child I remember being super sensitive the HS. As I grew older I started experiencing more of the garbage the world offered and I started to feel the HS less and less on a daily basis. And I started to think of all the crap I placed in my life and took part in and how it created wounds. And when these wounds healed it left scars. And once where there used to be soft skin full of life and nerves, was thick scar tissue making it that much harder to feel. And as I started thinking about my spirit and how it must look like I got thrown through a mulcher, how much harder it must be for me to be sensitive to the HS. Not like when I was a child with innocence and healthy skin. But, the strange thing is I can still feel the HS not like I used to, but with every door that is closed from my past by the hand of God I am able to regain a little bit more feeling. So for me to feel again like I once did I have an uphill battle that will be determined by my desire. The reason I titled this blog sensodine is because I thought it was funny how we pay for something to help us not have sensitive teeth and how much I would pay to have the sensitive spirit I once had.