Prophecy Chasers

So I was just having some random thoughts on prophecy. There was a lady who came to our church recently who was a prophetess, however you spell it. And I heard of every one getting juiced over her coming which is great. But, then I started thinking of some of the people going who were going solely to get a prophecy. I must admit I would have gone if I wasn’t working, who doesn’t want a prophecy? But, then I started thinking of the prophecies I had spoken over me and I started thinking about how I have lived my life in accordance to those prophecies. Do I think that what was spoken isn’t going to happen, no. But I don’t think they are going to happen until I start living in accordance with what those prophecies were. But, it cracks me up at people who chase down prophecies because they need encouragement. Don’t get me wrong, prophecies are encouraging and can really ignite you. But for some of these people it was like going and getting what you wanted to hear so you could walk out the door and say I still got it and keep living the same life. For others its like yah, I got a prophecy I’m going to change the world or usher in the return of Christ. But their lives are far less than par when it comes to living in accordance with those words given. Now, lets not forget that Hitler changed the world and the anti-Christ will usher in Christ’s return. But, for some these prophecies are used as pick up lines, ” Did you hear what Gods called me to do, take care of His cattle on a thousand hills.” Well maybe your going into sanitation and you’ll witness at work. For those thinking I’m just talking about others this totally includes me. But I know some times its easy to think that Ill live in accordance with that word when it happens, until then I’m good. I guess it comes down to me telling myself and others to STOP chasing prophecy’s and chase GOD!