I’ve been alive for a quarter of a century!!

So here’s the deal, I’m turning 25 in Sept. I was just thinking, 25 years of life, what have I done or rather what has God used me to do, or both? First off, I’ve grown freakishly huge, but I’m still pimpin. I’ve traveled all over the NYC area ministering as well as all over Cali. I was called to …

Dreams of mercy….You Have To Read This!

So I was going to write a little about mercy and grace as usual but I just saw the movie rise with my brother and it awoke an old dream of mine and I wanted to talk about dreams. But before any of that, if you read my last blog this is just an after thought from it….. What if …

Conformity, the fear of Greatness

Conform, why? Why would anyone conform to what this world tells them is the true life they are called to lead. Or why would we conform to what our past decisions would say our future is? What’s the point of living period if the life we live is not our own but dictated by others and our past. I heard …

Leap Frog

Why is it people are dumb enough to play leap frog with their relationships. One minute its I’m not ready for a relationship, the next its who’s going to be my new baby daddy. I mean we’ve all been there, but honestly why does the cycle continue? Because were not strong enough to break it, regardless of how much we’ve …

Why the Hell did I compromise!!!

If your reading this you need to read “WHAT THE FUNK” first. So to give everyone a better idea of what compromise is I went on-line to find synonyms: cop out, discredit, dishonor, embarrass, endanger, expose, give in, hazard, imperil, implicate, mar, menace, peril, prejudice, risk, ruin, sell out, spoil, weaken, whore ps- the definition listed was: JEOPARDIZE So reading …

What the FUNK!

What the hell is wrong with me, us, everyone. The question I’m posing is why do we take our lack of faith or lack of spiritual strength and try to supplement it with physical intimacy, because of our lack of desire, discipline to get our much needed intimacy from our relationship with God. Why do we feel its so much …

What the HELL are devotions?

So what are these things we call devotions? I was thinking about it a couple a days ago at like 230am since I have now become and official insomniac, but that’s cool cause Ill probably end up as a narcoleptic, the guy that falls asleep in his food and dies, great way to go! So there I am wide awake, …


Last night at like 2am I couldn’t sleep. So I got up and started doing some devotions. I don’t even remember what I read, all I know is somehow I was struck with the idea I need to be educated by God and who He is. I’ve been thinking about it since then. I’ve always thought that you don’t have …

I am a thief, but…

I’m currently listening to Anthony Skinner, great worship leader. My brother Adam turned me on to him. One of his lines says, ” I was a thief, you said I stole Your Hear!”. How awesome is that. What the hell is our problem. Why do we still look for acceptance in the opposite sex wondering if we will be every …

I can’t even begin to describe

Tonight as I was going through my pictures, re-placing old ones with new, I came across a letter that made me cry as well as think. I’m changing the names to keep it cool, but here it is: Pastor Josh- Thank you so much for last night- Jim had a GREAT time, first thing he said in the car is- …