The definition of REAL TRU

This is just a reminder to all my REAL TRU fam. I wanted to reiterate what that is. Being a real TRU person is to be vulnerable, honest, open and honest with yourself and others. I’m tired of seeing so many people who are walking around saying one thing all the while meaning another. Whether your in sin or not, …

Call it what you wan’t

So yet again I sit here hyped up on sleeping pills waiting for the moment that I will eventually slip into the oblivion of sleep. But tonight as many others my mind and spirit are in hyperactivity contemplating the thoughts I had tonight. Less than two hours ago I was in fellowship with other believers talking. And a couple of …

I’m at War

Wow, So I haven’t wrote a blog in a long time. I guess maybe I was so overwhelmed with emotions, possibilities, frustrations and complications that I didn’t know where to start. I still don’t. I guess in the past months surrender has become my allie. And not in a good way, I can’t sit here and say I surrendered to …

God the PDA

So I’m reading this book called Blue like jazz. And there was a passage on finances and the author quoted another author about how he says that technology is what man uses to supplant the desire for wonder. As I was contemplating that statement thoughts came to mind that I hope to string together in one coherent blog. Here goes… …

Devil Child

So I don’t know what it is, either God speaks to me on nights where I take Nyquil or I have attributed many a blog to Him instead of the Nyquil. Either way, here’s another. At the end you decide who its from. By the title some of you are already ready to assume that it is about one of …


The other day I was thinking about being sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Not something I’m inclined to do because of these thoughts. When I was a child I remember being super sensitive the HS. As I grew older I started experiencing more of the garbage the world offered and I started to feel the HS less and less on …

Prophecy Chasers

So I was just having some random thoughts on prophecy. There was a lady who came to our church recently who was a prophetess, however you spell it. And I heard of every one getting juiced over her coming which is great. But, then I started thinking of some of the people going who were going solely to get a …


So in true fashion or at least to make myself feel smart I must start each blog with an insightful statement that I myself must have had to repeat 20 times so that I could understand it and make sure it  made sense. Here goes: Acceptance is the admonition of wrongdoing. Now some of you may not agree with that …

The Fog

It’s been soo odd to me through out my life as to how God moves His hand in wonderfully mysterious ways. Most days were fighting our most carnal of natural desires, control. And when we let God take the control of our lives after, for me, much fighting struggling and frustration; it feels like we are in a fog. Picture …

The Cave

I just finished doing my devotions, but are they ever done? I was praying and I had a vision and some thoughts I wanted to share.   This past year has been one of major disillusionment and selfishness. As in the last 4 or more months I have started to seek God for me and no one else I have …