It has begun (Judah’s Journey Continues…)

Philippians 1:6 (NIV) 6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. The overwhelming support has been amazing and God is on the move! Id like to first say thank you to all of you who supported us with prayers, encouragement and finances. It was …


Im so overwhelmed at the support we have received in the last 72 hours. To be honest sometimes ministry is one of the loneliest places. In moments like these past few days when we see a tsunami of support that literally leaves us tumbling in utter disorientation at the massive wave that has overtaken us, I realize just how much we are not alone in ministry, in life …

Here’s The Deal (Judah’s Story)

So as many of you know we are expecting our 2nd child Judah Zion Macciola in a matter of weeks.  OK Pause….. Listen this is my blog my site my words my feelings what Im going through and processing. I just have to be honest and if your reading this Im assuming its because you care and if you got …

You’re doing it wrong…

So I already get it that a lot of you would already read the title and say why would I want to read that it just sounds so negative. Stop, take a deep breath and relax. Now, keep reading. Growing up in church I kinda of hated it. I hated what it did to my family, I hated the people …

To Qualify…

I would like to take a moment to really reinforce something. I know some of my writings may seem condemning to some, if your honest more convicting then condemning. I think a lot of people would say its better to encourage than condemn. Listen if I can be honest, I’m going to, this mentality I whole heartedly believe has helped …

CHRISTIANITY is not a religion OR a relationship its a LIFESTYLE…

I know a lot of people myself included that wander around proposing that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship. Until this morning I would have amen’d you if you preached that, and as much as I do agree that being a follower of Christ is about a relationship with Jesus Christ, I think this saying has become a …

Justice should be in the church and love should be in the streets

I have to be honest I know I have not posted in a while and trust me I have a backlog of items to post, but this just could not wait. I have had many encounters in ministry and being raised in the church. From being in full time ministry for almost a full decade to being raised in church …

Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle….

So as I came home to finish up my message for tomorrow I couldnt shake but one thought. Spending time with my daughter. I couldnt shake it. So as I sat at the computer and started getting things up and going she just sat laughed and chilled. I couldnt shake my desire to be with her and spend time with …

Why do we remember 9/11

Ten years ago as a nation but so much more as a world we were changed. I think now more than ever about how this truly is my generations Pearl Harbor. I am lost for words as I realize that what I lived through will now be in the history books for my daughter to read. For me remembering 9/11 …

Insights of a tired father

I’m sitting here writing this as my daughter sleeps not more than three feet from me. It’s 11pm and I have not slept more than 1 hour straight since 1am this morning. Now I recognize this is nothing in comparison to my wife who has not had a goodnights sleep in almost 6 months and who gave birth with no …