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My Addiction

My name is Joshua and Im an addict. For the past 10 years Ive been addicted to ministry. If you’ve read my last blog you are probably thinking I have some major issues. From detox to addiction I seem to be on a 12 step program. In a lot of ways I am. A spiritual cleansing of past garbage from …

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Detox…losing my religion

I was raised by two amazing people who both were ordained pastors. This upbringing was unique and different compared to what other children my age were raised with. Not because of how we were raised but because of what we were raised to believe.  You see I grew up during a time in the church where it was looked down …

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Whats my motivation…

Whats my motivation… I’d say its what Jesus did on the cross for me, but in reality, Im too selfish for that to motivate me daily. So like most I have a few news years resolutions, why? Because last year I kinda sucked at a bunch of stuff and I want to do and be better. But, and automatically we …

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Lions VS. Babies

WARNING….THIS IS A RANT: I was reading this article and to be honest I didn’t read the entire thing. Full disclosure…I made it to the hippies crying over trees video. It was really the first part of this that has me moved to write. Let me say this, the article, up to the point I read, was great. I have …

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Stop playing Defense

There is no other way for me to express this other than a rant. Rant, though it may be, it does not in anyway take away from the fact that it is true. I am so tired of seeing churches/pastors/leaders (because lets face it, some churches are run by the pastor, some by the board and some by the people) …

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To SOW is to REAP

This morning I came across a video on FB that depicted a young man who had a stammer and could not speak in front of people. His teacher who was working with him one on one took a page from a popular movie and had him wear headphones. This resulted in his ability to speak in front of people. This …

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What Ive learned… so far

As many of you know we believe God has called us to plant a church and are working on doing just that. However it has been truly a season of learning for us as we traverse these unknown waters in an unknown land. A lot of the time I am left feeling lost, alone, abandoned and failing because there is …

Equality and the Cross

To be honest I was fighting this. I didn’t really want to comment on this subject because its basically become a no win. Your either an immoral pro LGBT pastor who is now also a heretic or a bigot republican who hates all people and secretly apart of the KKK. Now I know that is a bit of an exaggeration …

Like a punch to the gut…

So I know its been a while since Ive done a written update but right now thats whats happening I really just dont feel like video taping anything. So here goes….   Its been about 3 months since we have seen the neuro surgeon and we have been enjoying life with our little guy. Im not gonna lie its been tough to …

Ive been avoiding this….(Judahs Journey Continues)

I have to be honest with you all I have been avoiding this post. Not because of Judah and what has happened to him since I last wrote, but because of what has happened to me since then. I have not wanted to write because I have not wanted to face the feelings and emotions that have swirled just beneath …