Miracles part 2…….UPDATE

Hey Guys,


Just wanted to update you as to what has continued to go on since last Thursday. Friday morning I received a call from a campus mission’s organization that travels all over and is supposed to be in El Paso this week. They go into schools and conduct school rallies as a ploy to get students interested enough to come check out the night rally, where the gospel is presented. They have 3 speakers and I was asked to be one of the speakers. Why do I share this? I believe this is a total God door being opened and I am so excited at the opportunity to be apart of sharing the Word with over 1600. The reason I post this is because I genuinely desire your prayers. Any time I get the chance to present the Word to anybody I take it as an honor and what to make sure the Lord has His way in me.

But, that was just what God opened up Friday! Then on Sunday in the middle of our Church Worship our Worship Pastor, also my beautiful Fiancé received a healing in the middle of singing a song. When she was younger she had a roller skating accident and was pushed and fell head first into a wall bending her head back and giving her a concussion and messing her neck up terrible. The doctors said it would take years of chiropractic care for it to begin to alleviate the pain. Well on Sunday during the last song she tried to sing and tried to sing but could not start the song. When I asked her what happened she told me that in the middle of trying to start the song the Holy Spirit just began to move through her neck and back and she had received her healing. I then began to ask her to roll her neck and tell me if there was any pain. She had none. So when church was over I had her head bang front and back and side-to-side till she was dizzy and NO PAIN. Having known her for over a year I have spent days with her where she could barely function because of the pain in her neck and back. She has suffered from major headaches and been put out of work because of it. BUT NO LONGER. Even at the touch of her neck in certain spots she had pain. And in the middle of Bed Bath and Beyond I began to grab her neck and violently push it around and squeeze to the point it would have hurt a normal person let alone someone who had her PAST affliction, and there was NOTHING. Dana is completely healed and has no neck problems or pain.

I wanted to update you guys so you guys could be in prayer with us as we complete this fast and trust God for what He is beginning and we prayerfully desire to see Him intensify. God is moving and I cannot wait to see what He does. I pray that you are not only praying with us and for us but rejoicing with us for what God has already done.