Macciola Inc. Application

For all of you who think you have what it takes to be in MACCIOLA INC. Here is an application to get you started…….



Application for the

Macciola INC Experience

On behalf of the Macciola family we would like to thank you for taking the time to fill out our application for the Macciola INC experience. This experience is designed specifically for a very select and privileged few. During this experience you will be shown a family the likes of no other. You will be challenged, offended and stretched. Yet if you stand till the end you will be loved accepted and protected by the most loyal people you will ever meet. This application is accompanied by a 6month-waiting period in which your behavior, attitudes and lifestyles will be observed by the petitioning brother to determine if in deed you are able to enjoy the Macciola INC. experience. We strongly suggest you prayerfully consider signing this as most that are able to enjoy it don’t often last and if indeed they last they become lifetime members. So in conclusion we thank you again for even looking at this. For if you were handed this application it meant you were apparently a special type of person. And if we do in fact receive this back we thank you for the time you spent in sharing about yourself. But, if you are indeed not lucky enough to join the experience than do not worry for you are and will not be the only one. Thank you again for your time.

The following information will allow us to see if you are pre-qualified to begin the 6-month evaluation period to determine if you indeed may be accepted to the Macciola INC experience. Please be as specific as possible and honest as possible. For those that lie will in fact be dropped immediately from the process.



Full Name:_______________________________________


Contact Number:__________________________________

Email Address:____________________________________



Job Description: ________________________________________________________________________



Conversion Experience (When and how you got saved):





What is the craziest thing you have ever done?




What offends you (i.e. Language, corse joking, offensive body gestures):





Why do you want to experience Macciola INC:






What do you hope to get out of this experience:




Name five things you are Sensitive about:






Do you cry easy:_________________________

Do you have medical Insurance:_______________

Do you have a history of mental instability:_____________

If so please Explain:



Are you currently on any medication:_____________

If so, what drugs are you taking:_____________________________________________

Are they for recreational use or prescription:____________________________________

Do you drink (please circle): like a fish, occasionally, socially, not at all

Do you use any illegal substances:____________________________________________

If so what/why: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________


What type of Music do you like:______________________________________________

Who is your favorite artist:__________________________________________________
What type of movies do you like:____________________________________________

What movie is you’re all time favorite:________________________________

What is your favorite type of food:____________________

Do you have any allergies:______________

If so what are you allergic to:



What do you prefer cats or dogs:__________

Can you cook:__________

If so what:_______________________________________________________________

Can you clean:______________

On a scale of 1 to 10 1 being the dirtiest what is your cleanliness level:_______________

Can you Iron Clothes:____________






Years Known:______________________________________________________






Years Known:______________________________________________________






Years Known:______________________________________________________
