
What happens when Loss is really a gain? What happens when the exact thing you swore you wanted is taken. What happens when that exact event is the best thing that ever happened to you. What happens when the LOSS of a relationship is really the celebration of a life handed back. What happens when God masterminds a loss so you can see what you don’t want or don’t need even though before you said you wanted and needed it. God has a way of being faithful and saving us in our loss. For instance, the loss of Christ on the cross gave us eternal life. The loss of life during the flood gave us a new foundation and covenant with God. The Bible is full of stories Where God has used loss to breed life. So for those of us that want to mope around and be sad for loss, ask God what life is going to come out of this loss. And the trick is to be strong, trust in Him and LISTEN to His voice. Otherwise your life will become a loss.