lion baby

Lions VS. Babies


I was reading this article and to be honest I didn’t read the entire thing. Full disclosure…I made it to the hippies crying over trees video. It was really the first part of this that has me moved to write. Let me say this, the article, up to the point I read, was great. I have liked this young woman’s FB page and looked at her big game pictures. They are amazing! Im all for protecting wildlife. However as far as I understand the kills were legal and she was not poaching. Therefore if you have an issue with what she did take it up with Africa, they let her do it. A little white girl didn’t sneak into Africa and shoot a lion in the middle of the night. She had to get permits and pay a ton of money, Im sure. Personally and you can disagree all you want, on my bucket list is hunting and killing a lion and a bear, dont worry a tigers not on that list. If it was Id claim I did it all in protection of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. If I had the opportunity I would do it in a heartbeat. Ive never been hunting but if I did Id want to do big game. Now on to my rant….
The author of this post makes a great statement that we get up in arms about someone shooting an animal yet abortion is rampant in our society. So much so people use it as a form of contraception. The author uses this article as you can tell by the title to depict our outrage against this young woman compared to our outrage or lack of outrage for abortion. As he wrote he talked about the lady who filmed her abortion and how she was received as a pioneer for woman’s rights. Heres my issue…

Some of you know my son just had his second skull reconstructive surgery. As we prepared for surgery my wife and I took to social media to use social media as it was intended, to share with those interested in our lives enough to do the ohh so hard thing and friend request us or accept our friend request. We dont have time to call or text the amazing amount of people we care about who support us so we use social media to communicate and not leave anyone out. As we posted about our sons surgery I took to sharing the grizzly details of my sons surgery. Where they were cutting, what they were cutting off and how they were pulling his face off. My wife and I as our son was in surgery discussed my post. She felt it was dramatic and I felt like it was honest. When you say hey I’m having surgery there is this sort of Greys Anatomy moment where you go ohh it will be fine, no big deal. However as a parent when the Drs tell you what they are doing how it will affect your child and you have people who want to support you the idea is to be vulnerable about what is really going on not the clean non offensive hallmark card version. When I met with the plastic surgeon and the neuro surgeon and they told me they were cutting off the front portion of my sons skull and were going to hollow out his eye sockets and split the forehead in two pieces rotate them 180 degrees and swap sides all while the top of his scalp lay touching his chin, I didn’t look at them and say hey that offends me its too detailed. What it really comes down to is do we really care. Do we care enough to know the details and learn how to support from within not just with nice sentiment from the outside. When you know the details In my opinion you know how to pray more precise not that God needs our direction.

To be honest the level of support and outpouring we received and are receiving during this time, Judahs had his surgery 7 days ago, its been greater then any of his 4 surgeries he’s gone through in his 19mths of life. I strongly believe it had to do with being vulnerable, honest and explicit about what he and us as a family would and are facing. Which brings me to my point.

We live in a society so skewed because we protect ourselves from all the wrong things. We deplore morals, values and traditions our country was founded on and as this author states are in a “Moral Anarchy”. When a girl gets death threats for killing an animal and a girl gets a hug for killing a baby….something has gone terribly wrong. When late term abortion is even considered or allowed because the only thing allowing it to not be murder is the 30 seconds prior to the baby being delivered (Im referring to Drs reaching in and sniping the spinal cord). So heres my parallel solution. Its explicit so be warned…

What if we made each women who had an abortion hold their dead baby in their hands and pose with it for a picture and placed it on a website with their faces blurred. Or maybe take a picture of each dead baby and write a synopsis underneath of it of the methods used to kill the baby and what it physically does to the baby. Sounds harsh right.

Well in my opinion we have done a good job of making abortion a common word and associating with a woman’s right to choose that it no longer is associated with the murder it really is. HEAR ME ON THIS….Im not condemning women who have had an abortion. I have personal friends who have had abortions and they are amazing women and I believe if you asked them today if they would go back and change it they could. And even if a woman wouldn’t choose to go back and change it Im not condemning them. You might say well putting their face on a website is public ostracizing might as well bring back stocks. My idea with the website is to blur their faces its more to show the dead baby and to make the mother truly come to grips with their actions. The popular argument is well what about rape cases. This truly is a tough situation and my heart breaks as Ive personally counseled people who have dealt with this horrendous life event. But, Ive also met amazing people who were the product aka the child born from rape and they are doing amazing things to help people and change the world. So even in the face of such a evil act I still believe abortion is robbing this world of another soon to be amazing person who will change the course of history.
Now I know some will say this is all your stupid male opinion. Yes you are absolutely correct. However in my early 20’s I was faced with the decision of abortion. I had just gotten my girlfriend pregnant and was living in my parents garage lost with no direction. We were looking at all options and we both agreed abortion was not going to be one regardless of the outcome. It was only a few months later when we were no longer together and I lost all contact and right to my child through the legal system. My child may be alive and somewhere in Tennessee last I heard but I suffer through that loss everyday. Is this the same as abortion no. But, it does cause one to face the same situation an expecting mother would. Some of the strongest most amazing women I know are single mothers. Because, through thick or thin, right or wrong and good or bad they kept their baby and did and are doing whatever it takes to make it.

This is super long I know…

I believe it all boils down to this. We have gotten so politically correct you can’t say two words without offending someone. Like Im sure this rant will, thats not my purpose or heart in this by the way. But, we fail to see things as they truly are. We protect ourselves from the harsh realities of life. No greater example then the participation award trophy for children in sports, I can’t stand those things, but thats another rant. After we have built our walls so closely in we start to fabricate our own realities. We base everything on what we see or read in the news, FB or websites without fact checking any of it. So we get up in arms about things that should pale in comparison to what is really important while never addressing the things we need to because its “offensive” for being too explicit or is anti popular opinion (more like marketed opinion). This is how we end up with a society over sexed with a gross perversion of values and morals resulting in the death threats of a young woman who enjoys her hunting hobby rather than the abortion clinics murdering children every day.


***I can think of 8200 reasons not to post this. Mainly someone is going to get mad, your stirring the pot, your evil and vile and hate women. But its those thoughts right there that have allowed fear to capture us and hold us hostage while the moral decay of our country has continued. We need more people standing for what is right and less of them sitting down going I dont have time to stir the pot. My wife would say is it kind, necessary and true, then post it. Its my truth, I am not putting anyone down or condemning anyone and its necessary for more people to share the truth rather then take the back seat saying let them argue and fight because its not true and I really know whats true. Well that attitude is whats gotten us here. The people slinging slick marketing and lies have had the limelight so long while everyone else sits back that those without knowledge either way begin to hear the same thing over and over and over thus becoming what they know and ultimately what they believe. So in honor of having maybe one person read this and it causing them to think and in honor of America, being that tomorrow is the 4th of July I shall use my freedom of speech to share this, my beliefs and opinions.
****I purposely did not include my faith in this as I did not want to have someone take this as a religious stance and again try and hide themselves from the truth using a weak excuse like religion. My truth is found in the Word of God but my logic has been shaped by my life, experiences, faith and upbringing. This is a logical rant not a spiritual one.



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