Leap Frog

Why is it people are dumb enough to play leap frog with their relationships. One minute its I’m not ready for a relationship, the next its who’s going to be my new baby daddy.

I mean we’ve all been there, but honestly why does the cycle continue? Because were not strong enough to break it, regardless of how much we’ve told ourselves were independent, don’t need others advice and can make our own choices. Are we really that stupid to think WE can do it? Are we really that naive that we think were STRONG enough? Are we that BLINDED by co-dependency that if we don’t have someone to fight with then we have to find someone, even if it’s the wrong one. Are we that dumb that when the right person is staring us in the face with more than what we’ve ever asked for that we opt for the familiar and not the blessing. Or in some cases turn the blessing into the familiar by not appreciating it, wounding it, disrespecting it and eventually throwing it away. Are we stupid enough to look at people with our own vainness rather than who they really are. Well if we don’t see people for who they are and appreciate them, then the worlds going to be just like you, full of desperate, delirious, depressed, angry and vain people. Why cant we get over ourselves just for five minutes so we can realize that we don’t need somebody, just our Father. But what’s funny is, the more I hear, “I don’t need a man/woman” the more I see those same people leap frogging from one relationship to the next. Get a grip loneliness is not lonely! Its solitude with God. But, for some of our retarted selves we think we have no life. And life to those people is DRAMA. Not enjoying it with some one you care about, but fighting, arguing and replacing emotional intimacy with physical compromise.

When you compromise excellence it all goes to hell, no matter what you say or how you want to justify physical intimacy. It doesn’t complicate like society says, it DESTROYS. And you are left with a emotional attachment to a person you wish would get abducted by aliens.

What am I trying to say, don’t play leap frog with your heart, like a huge idiot. I’ve been there, and don’t want to go back, solitude is what formed David in the cave. If David hadn’t had that solitude where would He have gone. Where would you go and who would you be if you took the solitude you have and worshiped God like David did. Probably someone who someone with substance actually might like. But until then pull your head out of your ass, get over yourself act like you might be mature and not a selfish moron who’s in a desperate cycle of repetition that you don’t know which ways up. AND TRUST GOD, WERE NOT ALONE CAUSE NO ONE LIKES US, BUT BECAUSE HE WANTS SOME ALONE TIME, YOU FREAKIN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ps- In the words of missy elliot, I know you think this song is about you, Get over yourself its not, its for everyone