I’ve been alive for a quarter of a century!!

So here’s the deal, I’m turning 25 in Sept. I was just thinking, 25 years of life, what have I done or rather what has God used me to do, or both?

First off, I’ve grown freakishly huge, but I’m still pimpin. I’ve traveled all over the NYC area ministering as well as all over Cali. I was called to ministry and ministered for three years. I help start ministries and youth ministries. I started a professional skate park. I GOT TATTOOED. I GOT TATTOOED. I GOT TATTOOED. I GOT TATTOOED. I GOT TATTOOED. I GOT TATTOOED. The first soul God used me to save was a young African American boy from the ghetto in NYC. From that point on God has used me to see close to 600 people saved in three years. God used me to start the TIGHTEST youth group this planet will ever see, T R U. IT WILL RISE AGAIN, I PROMISE. Where I saw young people used in some of the most cutting edge ways ever. Where we had the most PIMP dance team ever, two time fine arts Pimps. Where God used me to influence, TEACH, REACH AND USE young people who will forever change the course of our history. I gained a college education. God took me across this nation preaching His Word and seeing lives changed.
These were all things that God in 3-5 years did in my life. But that leaves over 20 of my own choosing. Again I thought about what I did and wanted to contrast it to what God did.
I got lazy. I tried to be someone I’m not. I tried to fit in where God didn’t call me. I left a trail of broken hearts. I had my heart broken. I called off an engagement. I got taken advantage of. I sold drugs. I used drugs. I got Hurt. I got bitter. I got mad. I got revenge, I GOT HURT AGAIN. I DID IT MY WAY. I drank ALOT!!! I tried to cover the pain and hurt, by pretending. I tried to kill myself. I destroyed others to make myself feel good. I committed felonies. I GOT TATTOOS. I GOT TATTOOS. I GOT TATTOOS. I slept around. I lost my pastoral license. I treated others better than I treated God, my family or my self. I hurt people. I got my ex-girlfriend pregnant.
Why did I just write this all out? Because the realization that in 3-5 years God used me to do more than I could have even come close to doing in over 20. Let alone that God increased me and I destroyed myself. This all may be new to you, or it may not or it may be inconsequential. Either way, I just wanted to make you think about the difference between the years you gave God and gave yourself, and who you really want to be in charge! Or maybe you haven’t, given God anytime. Try it, you just might become productive!