
Is it too much to ask for? Should I forever expect half-truth wondering if what is being said is what is being felt and desired. Truth is the most coveted and feared thing in our world. We all scream for it yet we love our ignorance and comfortbility of not knowing just talking like we want to know. Yet what happens when there is that person who loves with reckless abandon and the other lies with reckless abandon who is to blame. The honest soul who desires truth but hasn’t come to the world’s standards that everything is half-truth. Or the lover who lies cause they don’t know the truth about who they are and cant even be honest with themselves. Is it too much to ask that we be honest. I rather be hurt and know the truth than blind and not know where I stand. What is a world where we say what we think we want yet it’s a futile attempt to condition ourselves to believe something we think we should. When are we going to be honest with ourselves and live in the light that is truth. I guess for all it’s worth maybe the first step is being honest with ourselves. For if we cant be honest with ourselves who can we be honest with. And maybe the first step is to be honest enough to say no one is honest.