God the PDA

So I’m reading this book called Blue like jazz. And there was a passage on finances and the author quoted another author about how he says that technology is what man uses to supplant the desire for wonder. As I was contemplating that statement thoughts came to mind that I hope to string together in one coherent blog. Here goes…

So the idea that some of us see God as a PDA. A palm pilot for those that are technologically challenged. You see, I love electronics. I love to have the latest and most expensive phone, computer etc. etc. And I started thinking about how I get so excited about buying and playing with one, whether or not I need it or not. I started thinking that for some of us we have a passion for electronics or materialistic things more than we have a passion for God. Why is that? I think I figured it out. Allot of us if not all of us have been hurt. At a time we let go of all control to someone whether it was good or bad and we got hurt. Out of that hurt we decided to become control freaks. We like to dictate everything, except for moments of spontaneity, which tend to be few and far between. And I realized the reason I like PDA’S for example is the fact is I have total control over it. It cant hurt me let me down, if it breaks I get a new better one or use the 4 year warranty I bought. See we use this stuff to fill the void of wonder because it’s only wondrous for the first week until we get over it and then stick it in the closet. But, we don’t get hurt. So technology/materialism has offered us an out to trusting God. We buy a new shirt and wonder what it will go with or how we will match it and once we figure it out we put it in the closet. As I looked at myself I realized I couldn’t do that with God. That wonder and mystery and control would all belong to Him. But that’s scary to a control freak. I don’t want to be let down or hurt again. So I try to figure out God like the PDA. And when I cant I get frustrated and stick it in the closet. But then a month later I run across it and get all excited over again and start to play with it again and then get frustrated with it and its back in the closet. This vicious cycle continues and continues. Until we accept that, that’s what makes God awesome. The fact He keeps us on our toes. How boring would a life with God be if we figured out how to control Him like a PDA. That is one of the best things about Christianity, no matter how long we try, everyday holds something new. The thrill of learning more about a God that is head over heals in love with me, is unfathomable. But, everyday it’s expressed in a new and exciting way. What would we prefer to have a PDA we get bored of or a shirt we out grow. Or be the PDA of God an international businessman, and see where He’s taking us and how He’s going to use us. Just something to think about I guess.