Family Dinner’s

Sitting here in fremont with cousins second cousins brothers step brothers step mothers girlfriends and my unborn daughter. It’s funny how kids can bring everyone together in a very modern family setting. It’s weird thinking how broken most families are and how even though ours is Considered broken it’s been put back together in such a magnificent way that it could only be and is only because of the hand of God. I thank God for my father and his faithfulness to God as well as the things he has shown me, taught me and done for me. Not all great mind you but when we truly are teachable whether good or bad u learn from everything. I missed so many things by allowing my bitterness anger laziness and selfishness blind me from seeing truth. I’m so grateful for the mercy of God to continue to surround my life and allow me to finally see these truths in preparation for becoming a father. I find myself so blessed to sit her even in the times my crazy family bugs the crap out of me when they make me laugh till a little pee comes out and when they love me enough to ignore my hilarious comments due to their stupidity even though I laugh non stop due to how funny I think they are. I’m blessed.