
So many of us have said I hate church for the politics and for the religious judgmental spirit attached to it. It’s a shame to me we lose sight of the fact the church is the bride of Christ. And u can make arguments and give opinionated statements as to why church is not God’s bride but the body of believers. And here’s mine you’re an idiot stop trying to be so lazy as to throw away the baby with the bathwater. Is church a flawed political socialistic gathering of judgmental and hypocritical people yes. But it doesn’t take away the fact that it is Christ’s bride period. If we aren’t supposed to have church then why was there the church of Corinth Ephesus and Galatia? These churches were shaped and their ups and downs shown in the book of truth as an example for what our churches are to be.

I used to hate church but now my heart breaks for the bride of Christ and I long to be used to bring it back to a place of purity and truth like the bride of Christ should be. The failure of the church isn’t found in the plan or the strategy it’s found in the failure of man running and continuing a flawed legacy through low self-esteem insecurities and a lack of integrity. That is why church has a reputation of being judgmental and hypocritical. It’s up to a new generation to stop the backlash and fix the problem. Let’s be a people of healing the church and restoring it to its place of purpose rather than complaining of its failures and shortcomings. Everything is flawed because of mans involvement. Joshua chapter 1 has been on my heart for a while now and it says in verse 7 to be strong and very courageous and follow the law precisely and we will prosper its time for a generation of pastors to stand and follow the direction of the Holy Spirit and
stop trying to please people. We need courageous people with the integrity to live by the word of God to stand to lead our churches to fix the problem. Let’s stop blaming the institution of church and start recognizing the short comings of man and get men and woman with godly character and integrity with a passion to see the church rise to its place of purpose and then and only then do I believe we will see the church rise again.

Some of u may read this and think I’m saying that we need to throw everything out including all pastors over the age of 40. That’s the exact opposite. My heart is to build on the foundation of faith laid by those before us without them we would not be where we are today both good and bad. We must now stand on that foundation fix the broken areas and move forward. We can’t be afraid to fail for failure is only that when knowledge isn’t gained. Let’s be bold and very courageous and like Joshua we will possess the land and rightful place as the children and bride of Christ, thus illustrating the greatest side of God His redemptive and restorative love mercy and grace.