Leap Frog

Why is it people are dumb enough to play leap frog with their relationships. One minute its I’m not ready for a relationship, the next its who’s going to be my new baby daddy. I mean we’ve all been there, but honestly why does the cycle continue? Because were not strong enough to break it, regardless of how much we’ve …

Why the Hell did I compromise!!!

If your reading this you need to read “WHAT THE FUNK” first. So to give everyone a better idea of what compromise is I went on-line to find synonyms: cop out, discredit, dishonor, embarrass, endanger, expose, give in, hazard, imperil, implicate, mar, menace, peril, prejudice, risk, ruin, sell out, spoil, weaken, whore ps- the definition listed was: JEOPARDIZE So reading …

What the FUNK!

What the hell is wrong with me, us, everyone. The question I’m posing is why do we take our lack of faith or lack of spiritual strength and try to supplement it with physical intimacy, because of our lack of desire, discipline to get our much needed intimacy from our relationship with God. Why do we feel its so much …


Last night at like 2am I couldn’t sleep. So I got up and started doing some devotions. I don’t even remember what I read, all I know is somehow I was struck with the idea I need to be educated by God and who He is. I’ve been thinking about it since then. I’ve always thought that you don’t have …

I am a thief, but…

I’m currently listening to Anthony Skinner, great worship leader. My brother Adam turned me on to him. One of his lines says, ” I was a thief, you said I stole Your Hear!”. How awesome is that. What the hell is our problem. Why do we still look for acceptance in the opposite sex wondering if we will be every …

What am I?

What am I? A failure, a hypocrite, a doubter, lazy, confused, un-disciplined? What do people call someone who’s failed. What do we call ourselves. I’m my harshest critic, but its ok for me to do it, I really love me. But, what about others and the way they act, is it there right to judge or give me the cold …

What do you do?

Frustration: God I give to you my yoke, my fears, my frustrations, the people Id like to choke, the lack of control in these situations, my anger, my desire to control, my emotions, my mind, my hurts, my pains CHANGE MY HEART Make me like you TODAY! Tomorrow! And Forever! I cant do this, I suck at trying to be …

What do you say?

What do you say to some one you love who you let down? What can make it right? Can it be right? Can it ever be the same, do you want it to be the same? Does love over come all? Does sorry cut it? NOTHING, NOTHING, NO, NO, NO, YES, NO. Brokenness brings questions and answers. Time will tell …

It’s Really Me

 So the people closest to me have had my ear and let me know that what was here before was not a clear representation of who I am. I joined this site so I could communicate with my brothers while they are at college, but I have found many old friends in who I am grateful to be in contact …

What the Hell?

What the HELL is going on, in today’s society, day and age, why can’t the church grow up? Why is it that at every corner people are condemning and backstabbing each other? Why do our pastors and leaders preach mercy but when it comes to there own staff they cant show it or move in it? What the HELL! Imp …