The View

Sometimes our greatest battle is not the things we face daily but the way we react to them. Everyday I battle multiple aspects of who I am in trying to react to life in the Godliest way possible but the real way as well. Not some fake thank you Jesus but more of a real Lord I need help but …


Is the best compromise to trick your mind into thinking you don’t care……I have an equation for life that if you say/hear it you think it and if you think it you believe it and if you believe it you do it. Is that what happens when we so strongly dictate our emotions that they are no longer real just …

Valentines day thoughts of a wiser bachelor

I’m sorry but I’ve been sitting here in solitude on the Valentines Day night wondering what the deal is when the realization hits me that its just another day. So many of us from family and friends to co workers try and pump it up as some big deal when in reality to share any day with the person you …

Who I am revised for ’07

So I just got done writing a blog about investing in people and talking about how I don’t get the sense people know me including my family. And right now I can hear my brother’s voices saying a couple choice descriptions of what they think of that. But the reality is they don’t. Because in my family if you make …

Investment’s of ’07

So I could start this out by saying this is the year in review….well that would just be some repetitive account of events that passed that get brushed over degregading the meaning behind it all. So Imp not going to say this is about the last year this will be just like all the others, random and filled with glimpses …


What happens when Loss is really a gain? What happens when the exact thing you swore you wanted is taken. What happens when that exact event is the best thing that ever happened to you. What happens when the LOSS of a relationship is really the celebration of a life handed back. What happens when God masterminds a loss so …


PR 26:11 As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly. There is nothing sadder to me than when people flee one lifestyle just to be dragged right back into. I think this verse clearly depicts where some peoples hearts TRUly are. I see countless people at church and at work especially with the kids I work with. Talking …

The Greatest Battle

In a remote wilderness of uncharted territory I sit and ponder exactly where I’m at and what I’m doing. I haven’t the faintest idea yet. out of fear of failure I continue to walk stumbling and falling I continue to journey deeper in the soul of myself. AS darkness falls all around me I struggle to see where I’m headed I …


Is it too much to ask for? Should I forever expect half-truth wondering if what is being said is what is being felt and desired. Truth is the most coveted and feared thing in our world. We all scream for it yet we love our ignorance and comfortbility of not knowing just talking like we want to know. Yet what …

Call it what you wan’t

So yet again I sit here hyped up on sleeping pills waiting for the moment that I will eventually slip into the oblivion of sleep. But tonight as many others my mind and spirit are in hyperactivity contemplating the thoughts I had tonight. Less than two hours ago I was in fellowship with other believers talking. And a couple of …