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Detox…losing my religion

I was raised by two amazing people who both were ordained pastors. This upbringing was unique and different compared to what other children my age were raised with. Not because of how we were raised but because of what we were raised to believe.  You see I grew up during a time in the church where it was looked down …

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Whats my motivation…

Whats my motivation… I’d say its what Jesus did on the cross for me, but in reality, Im too selfish for that to motivate me daily. So like most I have a few news years resolutions, why? Because last year I kinda sucked at a bunch of stuff and I want to do and be better. But, and automatically we …

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Lions VS. Babies

WARNING….THIS IS A RANT: I was reading this article and to be honest I didn’t read the entire thing. Full disclosure…I made it to the hippies crying over trees video. It was really the first part of this that has me moved to write. Let me say this, the article, up to the point I read, was great. I have …

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Stop playing Defense

There is no other way for me to express this other than a rant. Rant, though it may be, it does not in anyway take away from the fact that it is true. I am so tired of seeing churches/pastors/leaders (because lets face it, some churches are run by the pastor, some by the board and some by the people) …

You’re doing it wrong…

So I already get it that a lot of you would already read the title and say why would I want to read that it just sounds so negative. Stop, take a deep breath and relax. Now, keep reading. Growing up in church I kinda of hated it. I hated what it did to my family, I hated the people …

To Qualify…

I would like to take a moment to really reinforce something. I know some of my writings may seem condemning to some, if your honest more convicting then condemning. I think a lot of people would say its better to encourage than condemn. Listen if I can be honest, I’m going to, this mentality I whole heartedly believe has helped …

CHRISTIANITY is not a religion OR a relationship its a LIFESTYLE…

I know a lot of people myself included that wander around proposing that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship. Until this morning I would have amen’d you if you preached that, and as much as I do agree that being a follower of Christ is about a relationship with Jesus Christ, I think this saying has become a …

Justice should be in the church and love should be in the streets

I have to be honest I know I have not posted in a while and trust me I have a backlog of items to post, but this just could not wait. I have had many encounters in ministry and being raised in the church. From being in full time ministry for almost a full decade to being raised in church …