This morning as I was checking out the social media, it seemed like there was some unwritten rule that everyone and their mom had to write an easter post or blog entry. I found myself not wanting to for the sheer fact it would seem to just get lost in the insane shuffle of our social feeds among the other pictures, posts and perspectives on Easter.
However, as I began my quite time with the Lord I felt the Holy Spirit completing a theme that He had been weaving all week.
At the beginning of this week I had the thought that Id like to show my 3 year old daughter, “The Passion of the Christ”. Immediately some of you are having the reaction I had after the thought. YOU CANT DO THAT. YOU WOULD BE THE WORST PARENT IN THE WORLD!
When those thoughts had passed I found myself questioning the logic of why I can’t show her the most accurate portrayal to date, of the pain and suffering that went into the sacrifice Christ made for us.
I then realized I could show it to her.
I am a natural boundary pusher. I want to do things people say you cant or shouldn’t do, not to be rebellious but to chart new territory. I am a pioneer at heart. I love to go against the norm.
This has played out in some amazing ways and some disastrous ways.
Since I married a woman who I admire and respect her opinion more than she probably understands, I tend to run things through her. This has saved my bacon on multiple occasions.
When I realized I could show it to her I thought I wouldn’t want to because I wouldn’t want her to become desensitized. So I did what any husband should do….
I asked my wife what she thought.
She initially thought I was crazy and as we discussed the idea she brought another great logic into the conversation. That our daughter could potentially become very scared by the film and what should have a profound impact could have a negative one.
Needless to say we are not showing her the movie….relax.
Prior to this thought and convo, I had seen that they would be showing the Ten Commandments on TV on Easter. My first reaction was frustration. I thought with all the sexual and violent garbage on TV, how in the world could they not show The Passion.
Come to find out there are a few stations showing the movie and of course the A.D. series is going on as well. I can’t speak to the A.D. series and their depiction, but I do know from my understanding of the events and facts of Jesus crucifixion that The Passion is the most accurate portrayal I have seen.
So what does all this have to do with some Easter reality.
These thoughts and ideas about my daughter becoming desensitized or scared by the crucifixion scene, really brought me to an awakening this morning.
In our society most if not all people know the idea of Christ dying on the cross. But my question is do we really grasp the reality of it.
We are so desensitized by the graphic nature of our world. That in most cases it takes something truly graphic to really make an impact.
This is why I am such a fan of the Passion and its GRAPHIC portrayal of Christ’s beating, mocking and crucifixion. Its the closest thing to having been there.
This is what the world has heard about Easter…
The God of the universe sent His son, who is also Himself, and who was fully man and God to earth to die for our sins, because He loved us.
Tell me what about that statement doesn’t make it sound ludicrous.
We sound crazy telling people this but it goes over because for thousands of years this story has been portrayed and told and recorded in the Bible.
When we grasp the idea that this took place it often times cultivates a perspective that will shape what we do until the idea wears off. Ultimately leading us from being grateful to asking what has God done for me lately.
Im just as guilty as most, of this same mentality and perspective.
But what if we grasped the reality of this.
What if we were right in front of Jesus making eye contact as he took the lashes.
What if we were at the foot of the cross as they crucified Him.
The whole time knowing that He was doing this for me/you.
How much more in that moment does the idea of Easter become a Reality that has seared itself in our soul and forever marked us.
Imagine not just being the cause of the pain and watching Him take it for you. But also watching as people spit, threw rocks and placed a thorn of crowns on his head mocking Him.
An idea is a perspective that through time will be added to and eventually totally changed by new ideas.
A reality will never change.
Often times people don’t like the details for fear of offending people with too much information.
However in the church and especially in todays culture we have stopped not just telling the details, but the truth of Gods word.
We have reduced it to ideas and not the reality of our existence.
Ideas are easier to argue or compromise but realities are not.
If the church would stop selling ideas and start proclaiming our reality in great Biblical detail we would produce more believers who bare fruit.
Rather than the fig tree Jesus cursed and killed for not bearing fruit.
I know some would be like you are such a downer Easter is about celebrating the resurrection.
I get that but you cant get to the resurrection without the crucifixion. And as much as I believe our power comes from the empty tomb. I believe we live in a culture where we rather skip the sacrifice and focus on the reward leaving us in a place where the body of Christ has forgotten how to serve and how to love.
Instead we are left in a church culture full of entitled people proclaiming the reward of a faithful life without the work of putting their faith to action.
You see at the end of the day the crucifixion is the greatest tale of hope.
If Jesus could go through everything He suffered for the love of people and come back.
Then so can we.
No matter what we are facing we have that ability to stand and stand therefore because Jesus did and does with us.
This weekend don’t settle for an idea of Easter that makes you feel warm and fuzzy.
Pursue the reality of Gods amazing love for you and recognize that it is His sacrifice and love that allowed Him to rise from the tomb.