A lil bit of nothin

When is nothing ok? When is it ok to give nothing receive nothing and do nothing.  In these contexts the word nothing takes on a whole new meaning. Nothingness could be considered negative, positive or neutral. Most would think it would be neutral but what about doing nothing when someone’s drowning that’s negative or doing nothing when tempted by the flesh to partake in something that is truly sinful. Nothing is a word that must have a context to its perspective included otherwise it can and will be taken out of context. But I think of the woman at the temple who gave the last bit of money she had in the offering, and yet to the wealthy man that was nothing and yet to her it was everything. I think also of sitting in my father’s lap just wrapped in his arms. We were not receiving anything or giving anything out but it was something to be in each other’s presence. We so many times overlook the smallest things as nothing but it’s a perspective as to whether or not it’s something. I ask you today if your perspective is tied to your heavenly Fathers or your earthy desires. When our perspective is tied to our earthly desires we forsake and overlook the small things that have the greatest impact. Parents working a multitude of hours to provide their children with the best when the thing they look at as nothing, spending time together is the one greatest desire of their children. Or answer me this what is greater the seed or the fruit. One seed can yield a tree that will for years produce fruit that will carry multiple seeds that all have the potential to yield a vast number of fruit. But when we see that seed we see it as nothing but something to throw out. When Jesus walked this earth some thought of Him as nothing but a man but those whose perspective, like peters, who was tied to our heavenly Fathers saw Him they saw a savior that would forever change this world. So I ask are you seeing a lil bit of nuthin or a whole lot of something.