
The shadows overtake my thoughts as I struggle to think of a happier time when rays of lights enveloped my entire being and I equated life with the weight of air. But now it feels as if the air has turned to a tar like fog that is un-relentless and torturing my soul. I cry out but the moment I open my mouth it feels as if the tarry blackness that surrounds me has stifled my cry and has begun to make its way into my lungs with the stealth and power of a silent killer. I try to fight it but with what? Fight has left my body long ago and my childhood thoughts are now returning to me and beckoning me to a happier time. I start to succumb to the silent strangle that has robbed my voice, faith and hope. But then a flash of light, around me my world is violently thrown into perspective and I am once again made aware of my surroundings. Although the moment was brief it has seared my surroundings into my mind’s eye. With this searing a strange feeling arises in my soul, a strange and almost unfamiliar sense of hope and strength. My mind begins to calculate just when the right time to burst forth and act upon the new found secret weapon that just might give me the ability to fight the inky blackness that had all but extinguished me. It’s at that moment that I shoot up and on both feet let out a shout that in my mind shakes the foundations of heaven. And yet all I hear is a muffle and the escape of a small scream. It worked I wasn’t completely muted. In that instant the silent killers is taken back lulled by a false sense of security and victory. I realize I have to keep going the strong holds are cracking. With everything I don’t know is there I let out a bellow so deep and powerful it sounds as if the earth itself has groaned at being awoken. And this time louder than ever before there is a break and the screams prevail sending my attacker bounding back in bewilderment. With each step that the tarry fog is pushed back I sense something that I had not known was there the whole time, light. It pushes back with every word I proclaim and every step I take forward. Now I realize that my silent killer is not just stumbling back but is moving in full retreat as the light over takes it. As I watch and rejoice as my assassin fleas I contemplate back on the events of moments ago and realize that at the exact moment I needed it there was a flash of light a point of hope that seemed so small and yet futile in the face of what I was going through yet in the end was the catalyst for my breakthrough. I thank that person for their breakthrough was so powerful it broke through into mine.

For so many of us we feel that life threatening blackness envelope us, we stumble in our faith and loose all hope. Then without warning someone near to us receives their breakthrough. But many times instead of rejoicing in their breakthrough or blessing with them we question God about where ours is. Without realizing that with the receiving of their blessing or breakthrough it put us in a closer position to receive ours. Their breakthrough might be the catalyst we need to walk into our own blessing and breakthrough. I challenge you today family, to rejoice with others as they receive theirs because yours is around the corner, which we can count on when we trust in the Lord.