If you have ever believed in miracles YOU MUST READ THIS!!!

So for many of us we have heard of miracles happening all the time in the Bible and in history books. For most of us thats exactly what miracles are HISTORY. So what do we do, modern day scurry, thats right scurry Christians. We use our own analytical minds to define why we dont see miracles anymore. We play it off and say that miracles happen everyday the miracle that we didnt make a left and get in a car wreck or we didnt go to the mall and there was an accident that would have hurt us. Thats all great, and I believe true. But we use that as our scape goat for why we dont see super natural miracles anymore. Many of us have heard of the Todd Bentley revival in Lakeland Florida. As some of us hear stories some of us watch with a weary smile and think wow that will never happen here or that only happens where amazing men and women of God are.

Well let me tell you something that the God I serve is the same God who split the sea so His people did not have to tread on wet ground. He is the God who heals the sick and raises the dead. The Word says He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Therefore the God who healed the sick and raised the dead. That same power exists today in the God I serve. Dont believe me…..let me tell you a little story that happened less than 4 hours ago….


I had been watching some of the revival in Lakeland Florida on God TV last week with my pastor. Last night my pastor felt the Lord impressing us to do a corporate fast as a church. Tonight I was talking with my students about it and what to fast for. As we were talking I began to share the supernatural things I desire for God to use them to do on their campuses. They were not aware fully of what God was capable to do so to illustrate everything I was speaking over them I told them about the revival in Florida and pulled up some videos on Youtube of Todd Bentleyand the revival. As we watched the Lord spoke to me that He was going to heal a student in the room who has one leg shorter than the other and four toes on that same foot. As I began to talk about it one of my girls there told her friend who was there that God was going to heal her deafness tonight. As I asked the other two in the room if there was something we could pray for one told me he was having trouble seeing and had been dealing with it since childhood. The young girl in the room who was deaf had been deaf from childhood. As we continued to watch the youtube videos of the revivals I felt the Lord say that it was time to pray. So I had a student who just came to know who God is and is still struggaling with the gang lifestyle, but had been growing in his walk. I had him pray for the student with eye problems and the eyes began to burn and go clear. By the end of the night he was reading posters across the room that he was not able to read before, and the Lord is continuing that healing in him. As we prayed over the girl who was deaf she said she felt a burning and her ears pop as we prayed and she watched the revival on youtube. When we were done praying for her she was able to walk across our youth sanctuary and hear our directions for her while her back was to us. And when she arrived she couldnt hear from more than 10 feet away.  And then I had that same student who prayed for the healing of the eyes, pray over the other student who had one leg shorter than the other. In the midst of our praying two things happened one the leg grew longer, not completely flush with the other, but as the student was leaving he still felt the power of God all over his leg and two the other student who had been praying for the healing was baptised in the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tounges.


If you read that and still want to believe that miracles are a thing of history, THANK YOU. Because God just used me to be a HISTORY MAKER.