I’m engaged and here are the details….

Hey guys,


Tonight marks the night my life changed forever. A woman so amazing more so than any other woman on the planet, accepted my proposal to spend forever with me. That’s right Dana Leigh Hampton is my future wife. Now why am I writing it in blogs and bulletins about it? Well one I’m stinking excited and two we kept everything so under wraps that some have no clue I was even thinking about it. So here are the details for all.


So I had a full day planned from visiting my grandmothers gravesite, to shopping at a huge outdoor mall, to watching a movie and having dinner. BUT most importantly asking Dana to be my wife. So in the middle of all those activities I took her down to Laguna Beach, not to say hi to Lauren or LC. But because, Venice, New Port, Huntington are all played out. We started out by visiting a gazebo overlooking the ocean parched on a cliff. From there we hopped a fence and climbed down the cliff stairs to gain access to the beach. We found a cluster of rocks and began the usual taking of the pictures. But a she was standing on a rock above me I began to in my best non-nervous voice to profess the many wonders of why I love her. And as she had her back to me I pulled out the ring. Which by the way the same ring my grandmother left me in her will. As she turned around I presented her with my proposal and the ring and in that moment became the worlds most blessed man. It could not have been any better. We will be posting pictures by Sat. and have planned to get married on November 28th of 2008 in Southern California.


I love you all and thank you for your support.


