The View

Sometimes our greatest battle is not the things we face daily but the way we react to them. Everyday I battle multiple aspects of who I am in trying to react to life in the Godliest way possible but the real way as well. Not some fake thank you Jesus but more of a real Lord I need help but I trust you. Life is overwhelming and situations constantly change and can make us feel great or drop us on our head and make us feel like failures. My heart is that everyday I battle to become the person God ahs called me to be and not just another bitter Christian complaining about situations I could change. My battle isn’t going through the storm its how I go through the storm. A storm can feel like a storm or it can be a marvelous sight and testament to Gods awesome power. Perspective shapes how we face life’s struggles. And the battle ensues to see which perspective we will use to view our lives today. I get so lost in thinking I’m justifies in having this perspective or that perspective. My justified perspective constantly tries to reign but my humble I want to learn perspective sometimes feels like the weakest. When the disciples came to Christ scared about the storm their perspective was fear, yet the perspective of Christ was peace knowing the power He possessed. Our lives must be ruled by a perspective that is identical to that of Christ’s. In the middle of another storm Christ scared the disciples by walking on the water yet instead of seeing it that way and just walking to the boat, He called Peter out. And instead of a frightful storm we see a situation that became one of historical significance. Being that only two men in recorded history have ever walked on water, Christ and Peter. Our perspective on life will dictate how we go through our go through. I guess the biggest thing to go through in our go through is fighting to have the right perspective. There is always hope and when we can see life and its trials through the eyes of Christ we find the hope that is Christ and thus becomes our Joy and the Word says the joy of the Lord is our strength. In a culture where popular TV says, “The View” is an amazing show and so many Americans find and have their view shaped by pop culture and Icons we must recognize that our view cannot be found on a weekday morning with a group of bickering woman, but in the Word and by the example of Christ found in the Word. So I challenge you don’t focus on today and its problems focus on Christ and His view and as we do so we will see our storms turn from raging hopeless situations to moments of awe at the creator’s mighty power. A storm is a magnified moment in life where the creator can get magnified Glory.