A quick note

So as I sit here and enjoy the NBA all star weekend and all its festivities I often come across announcers using words such as, superstar, all star, amazing and many more very descriptive words for people of excellence. Yet as men and woman of God we are held to a different standard of excellence than the world. So much so that the natural ability to describe excellence is far too infantile to describe the men and woman of God throughout history and time to come. Instead of those words we see words and phrases used such as these found in Hebrews 11:32-39, kingdom conquerors, lion tamers, martyrs, weak turned strong, dead raisers, over comers and what we all know as heroes of the faith. These are the men and woman and titles worth seeking. Mans accreditation is pale in comparison to Gods credentials and calling. But for so many young men and woman the pull of earths riches become more of a focal point than kingdom riches. Mans approval is becoming more important than Gods appointing. My heart is to see young people not just step into the calling of God but to pursue it with excellence and become a new era of biblical heroes. I would say dream with me for a moment but in faith I will say PLAN with me for a moment, that for the generations to come their history books will not be filled with political agendas, dates or facts. But rather the true accounts of these very men and woman we parent and train now who have followed their destiny into the greatness God has created their lives for and watched as it changed the face of history.