The definition of REAL TRU

This is just a reminder to all my REAL TRU fam. I wanted to reiterate what that is. Being a real TRU person is to be vulnerable, honest, open and honest with yourself and others. I’m tired of seeing so many people who are walking around saying one thing all the while meaning another. Whether your in sin or not, whether your struggling or not. Being TRU is to be honest about where you’re at and not trying to personify something you are not. This world needs people who are real and honest about where they are at. THAT BEING TRU. Lets remember what it is so that daily we can personify the works of Christ. It’s MORE POWERFULL FOR SOMEONE TO KNOW WHAT YOUR STRUGGALING WITH AND SEE THE GROWTH AND CHANGE RATHER THAN YOU TELLING THEM THAT YOUR ONE THING AND REALLY BEING SOMEWHERE ELSE. that’s WHATS KNOWN AS MANIPULATING PEOPLE TO THINK SOMETHING OTHER THAN THE TRUTH AND BEING FAKE. we NEED TO STAND AND REMEMBER WHO WE ARE REPIN AND WHAT he stands for.