The Fog

It’s been soo odd to me through out my life as to how God moves His hand in wonderfully mysterious ways. Most days were fighting our most carnal of natural desires, control. And when we let God take the control of our lives after, for me, much fighting struggling and frustration; it feels like we are in a fog.

Picture it, one of those scenes in a horror flick or thriller. Your driving down a dangerously windy coastal road. With a sheer rock wall on your left that is taller than your range of vision. And on the right a sheer rocky cliff that leads to the ocean. And it seems that at any other time in life you’d be enjoying the very beautiful sight of the moon and its soft glow on the sky and intense brilliance off the water. But tonight, it’s different. There’s a fog as thick and white as cream. You can’t see but 5 feet in front of you. This sucks. You can’t enjoy the view, you can’t push your car to its potential taking each turn with speed and agility. Your stuck in a eerily spooky moment in your life. But as you continue to drive you begin to feel boxed in. With the huge rock wall to your left and the vast ocean to your right and an all encompassing and oppressive fog surrounding you. You begin to let your mind wander and wander and think of what is lurking around each pin point curve, every 5 feet of fog you cant see through. Your skin is crawling at the fact that you aren’t in control and cannot prepare so vigorously for what lies ahead. All you can do is look to your left at Christ in the drivers seat and question everyday whether or not your true hearts prayer was to give Him control. Your mind struggles with the comprehension of the feelings of taking control back, that you are having. This goes on for miles and you begin to feel the courage and boldness rise as breath fills your longs to tell the man who died just so He could drive, that you no longer want Him driving. At that very moment  without word or explanation, there’s a break. The oppressive fog lifts just as quickly as it descended and you see an entirely different world. You see the shimmer of moonlight off the water, you see what’s ahead and begin to prepare yourself. Yet you can’t see where you’re headed or what the end of this road holds, you can see this immediate curve and how He’s going to navigate it. At this very moment in your life, all seems right in the world, it all makes perfect sense. Every idea of what could or should be beyond this turn was miles away from what was actually there and how to navigate the turn would have been devastating and most certainly deadly. As your body for that moment in times experiences the real relaxation that comes with true peace found in the nature of God, you cant but help smile and think to yourself, ” I’m an Idiot”.


I’m not quite sure why I wrote an introspective story to illustrate what I was thinking, but I did. You see the realization that at those foggy moments in my life I have a tendency to car jack Jesus and take control and ultimately end up in a fiery crash of death at which point Christ’s blood presses restart. And when I sit back tense with eagerness to know where I’m going or what I need to prepare for and I start developing all the variables of what God could be doing or where He could be taking me, the fog lifts. And at that moment I realize all my algebraic thinking could not even comprehend the logistics and calculations we would love to place on God. He has none, He does what He wants when He’s invited. It’s those faith-growing moments of clarity through the fog where God lets us see a very small piece of the puzzle, that we have genuine peace. But, what if we had peace in the fog? What if we just sat back and enjoyed letting God be in control? What if we were so comfortable with the idea of loosing control to God that we could fall asleep in the car, surrounded by the fog and oppressive characteristics of the landscape. Not worried at the fact that God created the road and has traveled it before and knows where He’s going. What if we stopped trying to figure God out and just trusted? What if we stopped trying to wrap our selfish idea, wants and desires in the will of God and just trusted Him enough to know He has His best for us? What if we had PEACE in the FOG?