Conformity, the fear of Greatness

Conform, why? Why would anyone conform to what this world tells them is the true life they are called to lead. Or why would we conform to what our past decisions would say our future is? What’s the point of living period if the life we live is not our own but dictated by others and our past. I heard something today that just triggered these thoughts in my mind. Why would we conform to a lower life than what were called to be. Are we not called to greatness? Are we not children of God who have the power of God at the bend of our knee? So why do we conform?

For one it’s easier. It’s easier to just go with what’s comfortable and what were used to. Someone once told me that it takes 20 days to create a habit and 3 months to break it. So lets say that the average life span is 80 years. That means if you spend the first 20 creating habits, you wont have enough life left to break all the habits you created. So in retrospect it seems impossible, right? Wrong it’s the thinking that its impossible that makes it impossible not the act. God is not a God of statistic. When we commit to Him the desire to conform to Him takes control. But just writing that made me think. For some of us we conform because it gives us a false sense of control. Like I made the choice to conform and I’m going to live with it rather than give God control.

This very idea of control strikes a huge cord with me. I HATE NOT BEING IN CONTROL. And every time I am I manage to screw things up and end up conforming to the decisions I’ve made. Well let me tell u something the fact that I’m expecting a child in Dec. doesn’t mean that I’m not called to GREATNESS. If God has shown me anything it’s been that He takes the most hopeless situations of conformity and establishes His Glory.

I’ve got to stop there. I just don’t know anymore. I know me and so many other people are called to greatness. But why am I writing this, cause I had a good title for it. That’s idiotic. I’m scared. I’m scared of having a kid. I’m scared that I’m going to sacrifice everything for my son and never look back, and be ok with it. What scares me is that I might actually be ok with the idea of stepping out of the will of God to provide the most incredible life for my child. I’m having a kid, so why do so many underestimate the power of the God I serve. Why do I? Even after God has had me pray over a girl with AIDS and she was healed to many other miraculous things I have been apart of or seen. Why would I conform to the idea that my God can’t use me for greatness with a child. Isn’t the greatest thing we can do is raise a child in the ways of the Lord.

Daily my fear is mediocrity, but what about mediocrity in our thinking. Why does conforming bring mediocrity? We are inundated through our entire educational lives the views and opinions of the teachers that have taught us. A professor in college told me that college was developed to teach us to think on our own. Well then stop telling me your impression, ideology and theology on God and how it’s ok for Him to work. Once we started excepting what man says about God we put ourselves in a precarious place. MAN WILL FAIL! And what happens when he does, those that conform to any line of thinking are the first to accuse, slander and shred. Instead of understanding the very simple fact that Christ’s closest friends didn’t fail their congregations but CHRIST HIMSELF. And what would have happened if Peter hadn’t failed and denied Christ 3 times. Would we have on of the greatest examples of Christ’s forgiveness, mercy and grace. You may say that yeah-well Christ warned Peter. Yah, Christ called Peter out on point! I can’t count how many times He’s done it to me and I ignored it just like Peter and was like naw I’m cool. What would we do if David hadn’t hit it with Bathsheba. We probably wouldn’t have half the sense of what true worship is coming from Psalms.

IM HAVING A KID, IM SO EXCITED. If it bothers you get over it. Why for all this time have I looked at it with conformity and thought this is a hopeless situation. When in fact this is just a more intricate position for God to show His glory in my life.