I can’t even begin to describe

Tonight as I was going through my pictures, re-placing old ones with new, I came across a letter that made me cry as well as think. I’m changing the names to keep it cool, but here it is: Pastor Josh- Thank you so much for last night- Jim had a GREAT time, first thing he said in the car is- I am going back next week! You don’t know how much it means to me, even if it is only for a short time, even if it is only while you are here, it is all I have and all I have wanted- he went because of you, and only you – you are the blessing- I believe that there are other kids that need you where you are headed, and if you only reach one person like Jim, that is what God intended for you there – I know that you will reach much more than you have ever reached here, just look at how many came last night – I just wanted to say THANK YOU and THANK GOD for you and all your blessings – you have made my family on its way to being a family again- God knew there was a reason to send Sarah to Pulse with July last year, her life has so changed and everyone sees it – she then began her quest, and I believe she without knowing it, began this entire family change – she has always been a child of God and very much willing to show it, I hope Jim and I can do the same. Bless you Pastor Josh, Geannine and Delvin- TRU will survive, even if Geannine makes me cry every week with her worship! Mom of Jim and Sarah So why did I share this, to brag, to be recognized, NO. To illustrate how selfish I am and our flesh is. By the grace of God I had an incredible affect on an entire family and instead of protecting that I chose what I though I wanted and didn’t protect the investment God made in that family. Now it is true that man will always let you down and I said it more than a few times when I was there. But to loose sight so bad because of what leadership did to me and not stay focused on the people God called me to serve. I cant help but think how many more stories like this would God have allowed me to be apart of if I had not been soo damn selfish. I hate my flesh but it’s the hardest thing to kill. God give me the strength to overcome my incredibly stupid flesh everyday, that I may never again forsake you, your call and those you have called me to serve.