It’s Really Me

 So the people closest to me have had my ear and let me know that what was here before was not a clear representation of who I am. I joined this site so I could communicate with my brothers while they are at college, but I have found many old friends in who I am grateful to be in contact with again. But I’m not old I’m new and here’s who I am: BROKEN I’m broken in spirit, soul, heart and mind. But, I’m happy. It may sound weird or contradictory but the bottom line is I am very HAPPY. It’s like coming back from the dead and breathing that long desired breath of air for the first time. You may read this and say to yourself why is he happy to be broken? Here’s the deal. My creator, as you read this, is meticulously taking those pieces of brokenness and continuing to create His masterpiece. I don’t know the finished project, but I do know how I got here. I stopped caring. I chose my way and not His, I was selfish and considered myself and not those that I love and care about without abandon. I chose to live a self-centered life instead of a GOD centered life. And now, I FACE THE CONSEQUENCES. To be a man you must choose carefully and weigh the consequences before you choose the action, in the last 8 months I have not been a man, least of all a man of God. I’ve hurt, disappointed and let people down. To that I say IM SORRY! I once told a group of people who I love more than anything in this world, that God takes the broken pieces of life and creates a masterpiece in his image. Well, its my turn. I let my hurt, bitterness and despair rule and not His call on my life. And forever I will live with those consequences and repercussions. At this point you must be saying this is SAD AND DEPRESSING. Its not! I know how it ends! I have been broken and in that process flung violently to my knees where I daily seek solace in the comfort of my King. This may sound preachy but, GET OVER IT. Gods Mercy and Grace is ever present in my life. And that is a huge blessing, and as far as I know we are called to shout the praises of God from the mountain tops. Today’s vast mountain ranges although gorgeous are not the place of the people, the internet is. So here I am bearing my brokenness in an attempt to share the fact that Gods biggest blessing to any of us is His MERCY AND GRACE. To me, It is out of the rawness we find in brokenness that unadulterated ministry comes. If I cant minister out of my brokenness how will I minister out of my wholeness? Who AM I? A man of God who’s received mercy and grace. Full of joy in being broken. When you break you become closer and stronger to the image of Christ. I don’t have my brokenness anymore God does. And it’s to Him that all the GLORY goes. For I did it on my own and there was no glory just pain, shallow fulfillment and grief. For any reason if this struck a chord, let me know, ask a question. With brokenness comes realness, there’s nothing left to be. 1 CORINTHIANS 4:3-4